
What’s The Code?

Imagine if you will, TSHTF and TEOTWAWKI is on your doorstep. ROL is no longer, the LEOs are gone, and OPSEC is crucial to CYA. It is a GDE from a CME that produced a massive EMP. You are now thinking you won’t be able to SIP and you might want to GOOD. You jump into the BOV to make a run for the BOL which is OTG. Getting ready to go, you grab the BOB which is a nice MOLLE setup that will incorporate the EDC; which alone might not cover it and you could have ended up SOL. With your MREs, you head out thinking to yourself INCH. Hiding from MZBs because you know YOYO and you don’t want to end up in someone’s LOS. Hooking up with your MAG at the OP to set the SOP for COMMS with the CB or GMRS and to evaluate if there are any CBRN issues due to a CDC bulletin from the WHO over the EAS. Worried you might be FUBAR it is time to look at the ICE preps you’ve brought because this could mean your LTS. It is important to keep a PMA and at least you didn’t forget the TP in case it all causes an uncontrolled BM when you realize you can’t find your EOTWBFL. Hoping they didn’t fall into the clutches of the GOLDEN HOARD it is time to ATL them while avoiding the POLLYANNA or SHEEPLE types JIC, because right now you DTA.

It’s likely some people could easily read and translate this paragraph. They are readily able to form the story and gain a whole scenario in this segment. But… what if you could not understand what was said here?  This is often the issue with many (not only those new to preparedness). It is a code or lingo that is used in the preparedness community and it would serve you well to know it. It is simple to find out what you don’t understand with these acronyms by googling it and adding “survival” to the search. Some of the terms highlighted in capital letters do not seem to be acronyms at all.  Knowing what these also mean will be important in the learning process. Find a fairly comprehensive list here.

One of the hardest things for those new to the preparedness lifestyle is trying to understand these and other terms. With so much to assimilate and consider, the logistics of preparedness can be overwhelming; add to it the understanding of events and scenarios and the psychology surrounding it all, and you will have information overload. The conversation shouldn’t be difficult and needs to be easily understood, but unfortunately, it often isn’t, which adds to confusion and frustration. Think about this for a moment. Post SHTF and you receive a bit of INTEL about some MZBs closing on your LP… What do you do? If you don’t know what the message is telling you, WTSHTF, there will be no Google to translate. So, learn these, take a little time to make a list, and remember it is crucial to be BSTS.

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