Remembering Your Pets
Remembering Pets… Something to think about while prepping is your pets. Ok, so you have remembered that dear Fido or Fluffy needs food too, BUT…. You have decided you’re going to shelter in…
Lessons of Generations Past
This week we take a journey into the past, an exploration of how things were done in “The Old Days.” For some of us, when we consider things the way they were. Sometimes…
Prepper Overload
It happens……. Awakened from their slumber, your family hears sirens. As little Suzie emerges from her room carrying her Blankie, crying for her mommy, a loud siren races by. Precocious twelve-year-old Joey is…
Homesteading: Finding the Right Land
There is much chatter about “getting out of the cities” and “buying rural land.” I’m a huge advocate of these philosophies and am working on building mine even now.So… now you’ve decided it’s…
Survival Planning: Core Considerations
Many prepper’s plans for surviving a state of absolute anarchy are often limited to specific readiness details, such as selecting firearms, growing and preserving food, keeping a bugout bag readily available, building improvised…