
What is a Cache?

Websters defines Cache as: noun \ˈkash\ 1 a:  a hiding place especially for concealing and preserving provisions or implements b:  a secure place of storage 2:  something hidden or stored in a cache 3:  a computer memory with very short access time used for storage of frequently or recently used instructions or data —called also cache memory.

Some of the first things to consider:

A cache can be something small or in the case of the group in the book can be larger.  It will contain items you feel you will need in a situation demanding its use.  Keep in mind that this is not something you will be opening up daily and will need to replace items from time to time. A cache is hidden, unlike your prepper stockpile.  it is not intended to be frequently accessed.  

the Container:

It needs to be something that will accommodate your needs and be able to be hidden, and also be water and rust resistant.

The Location:

This should be somewhere along your bug out route or a place that is safe from prying eyes.  Even in plain sight as long as it is not obvious as to what it is.

the contents:

  What things might you wish to add to your cache?  Well this is something you will need to consider given your own personal set of circumstances.  Where you live and the terrain.  The amount of people you will be including supplies for.  What are the reasons you wish to establish this cache?   Things to consider making certain your cache contains is simple.

  • Water, everyone will need this whether it is water or some form of purification
  • Food, possibly some energy bars or freeze dried foods but also consider what you can cache to assist in obtaining more.  Examples might be fishing or hunting gear.
  • Protection, be it from threats or just things you might encounter
  • Medical kit, I cannot stress enough how much a small med kit could come in handy and possibly even save your life.
  • You will likely want to add some items that might help you survive, be it tools or paracord.  Small items to assist you in your needs.
  • Don’t forget fire and light.  Either matches or lighters, add some batteries and a flashlight.
  • Remember some comfort items like coffee or chocolate maybe, anything that may add comfort to your situation.

Ultimately this is like a woman’s purse, something that while others wonder why you may choose to add an item, to you it makes perfect sense.  Just don’t forget your basics.

Excerpt from Dystopia: The Long Road

In this the second book in the Dystopia Series, another group will be traveling to our friends from the first book.  Our Protagonist recognizes something is afoot and has the foresight to create what is called a “Cache.”  A cache is nothing more than a little something hidden away.

John knew deep down, that coming soon would be something that was nothing short of disastrous. He scolded himself as he did often,
“I’m not ready for this!”
Checking things off in his mind, he began his mental list of things he wanted to address. “Cache” he thought, he had wanted to get that done this summer and had been putting it off. The thought struck him like a truck when it crossed his mind, ‘Matt’s parents, I have to go over and see them. I need to see what their situation is.’
John and Matt had been friends since middle school and he was close to his parents. Often just strolling in around lunch time and helping himself to snacks while chatting with them. He decided he would go over this afternoon, coincidentally right around lunch time. He giggled to himself thinking how he would be going to check on them yet helping himself to lunch.

Heading to the barn he got out the fifty-five gallon drums he had collected earlier in the summer that he planned to use for his cache. Behind the barn was the chicken pen, he planned to bury them in the far corner of it. With the chickens constantly scratching the ground there was no grass anymore he figured no one would be able to tell something was buried there.
In one of the three drums he planned to put fuel, he had wanted a diesel truck but Amy insisted she wanted him to get “normal” gas. She said that she hated the smell of the diesel and said she would not ride in it if he did. Thinking about it he felt it was a good choice as he would now be able to fuel all the vehicles without the need of different drums. He buried all three of the drums without backfilling until he was done adding the contents. The fuel drum he filled full which took a few trips to different gas stations with his five gas cans that each held 5 gallons.
He then began to decide what he should place in the others. He knew that a time might come when his guns could be confiscated so that was one thing he was going to consider for the non-food drum. The other was a food cache; he lined the drum with a large Mylar bag and placed 2 cases of freeze-dried meals inside with coffee, sugar, powdered milk, and chocolate. He also added canned meats of various kinds and fifteen pounds of beans. There was still room in the drum so he added salt and other spices and ten pounds of rice, topping it off with some flour and powdered eggs and a few jars of canned butter and peanut butter. Not wanting to waste any space he poured a large bag of various packets of things he had collected from all his take-out food to fill the voids. He sealed the bag and closed the lid taking care to make certain it was closed properly.
The final drum contained non-food items. He placed another Mylar bag inside, but only to ensure there would be no damage in case of leakage.
He decided on fishing equipment, a net, and some snares. He added zip-lock baggies full of matches and lighters, along with a whole box of heavy-duty trash can liners. He opted for two of his Glock 19’s both chambered in 9mm and five hundred rounds for them. He also had a 12ga that he had picked up at the flea market, two hundred-fifty rounds of birdshot, and another hundred of double ought to buck. Finally adding his .22 that he had gotten when he was nine from his grandfather along with five hundred rounds for it.
Standing back, looking at it, he knew he could get even more into this one, so he decided on a hatchet and camp saw. Not knowing what else he could add, he began to walk about, just looking at different things, when it hit him: “Water,” he said out loud.
Searching through his closet he found what he was looking for, he had purchased some time back a Katadyn portable water filter, it even had two replacement filters for it. As he was headed back to the drums he remembered his other med kit and decided to add it as well. Feeling fairly content with his caches he added random smaller items. Which included some silver coins, five bottles of varied liquor, and a few flashlights along with spare batteries.
Once filled and sealed, he completely covered the drums and spread the rest of the leftover dirt around the chicken pen. He rolled it with a large heavy roller he used to mash out the mole trails in the yard. I worked well to pack it down. Afterward, he spread some chicken scratch around to get the chickens moving about so it would look like it usually did.

The Dystopia Series is meant to teach prepping and survival skills in a fun fictional read. Follow DJ Cooper on Amazon for more great reads

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